Category: Uncategorized

Contracted Persistent Object Programming

Stephanie Balzer, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ) This paper introduces a new approach to persistent programming, that is based on orthogonal persistence, but constrained to the object-oriented case. LINK (PDF)


Donghui Zhang, Northeastern University Tutorial including download link for NEUStore – a simple Java package for the construction of disk-based, paginated, and buffered indices. DOWNLOAD (PDF)

Amos II

Tore Risch, Uppsala University An object-oriented and functional system for querying distributed and heterogeneous data sources. LINK

JDBC – How to…

Philippe Roose, LIUPPA/Laboratoire d’Informatique Appliquée de l’UPPA How to access data in Java from RDBMS via JDBC. DOWNLOAD (PDF)

Persistenz von Objekten

Serge Shumilov, University of Bonn Very comprehensive (197 pages) lecture notes on Object Persistence strategies incl. ODBMS, RDBMS, JDBC, SQLj, OR-Mappers incl. Hibernate, JDO, EJB DOWNLOAD (PDF)

Java and Databases

Chris Smith, MindIQ Persistence strategies for Java; incl. EJB, Hibernate, JDO and db4o. DOWNLOAD (PDF) or (PPT)