Tagged: In-Memory Database


This book covers the use of Redis, an in-memory database/data structure server. LINK to eBook Foreword Redis was created about three years ago for practical reasons: basically, I was trying to do the impossible...

Looking beyond the DBMS: Towards Holistic Performance Optimization for Enterprise Architectures

Looking beyond the DBMS: Towards Holistic Performance Optimization for Enterprise Architectures By Dr. Alexander Boehm, database architect working on SAP´s HANA in-memory database management system. Performance optimization and the creation of highly efficient systems...

In-Memory Data Management: Technology and Applications.

In-Memory Data Management Hasso Plattner, Alexander Zeier, Springer, 2nd Edition, 14 May 2012. LINK Springer Web site The new extented Book Edition “In-Memory Data Management ” is focusing on Application Development, the book is...