Java Object Persistence: State of the Union Published

ODBMS.ORG, a vendor-independent non-profit group of high-profile software experts lead by Prof. Roberto Zicari, has together with exclusively published the panel discussion “Java Object Persistence: State of the Union.”’s Floyd Marinescu and ODBMS.ORG’s Roberto Zicari have interviewed the following group of leading persistence solution architects on their views on the current State of the Union of object persistence with respect to Java:

  • Mike Keith: EJB co-spec lead, main architect of Oracle Toplink ORM
  • Ted Neward: Independent consultant, often blogging on ORM and persistence topics
  • Carl Rosenberger: lead architect of db4objects, open source embeddable object database
  • Craig Russell: Spec lead of Java Data Objects (JDO) JSR, architect of entity bean engine in Sun’s appservers prior to Glassfish

The questions at a glance:

Question 1: Do we still have an “impedance mismatch problem”?
Question 2: In terms of what you’re seeing used in the industry, how would you position the various options available for persistence for new projects?
Question 3: What are in your opinion the pros and cons of these existing solutions?
Question 4: Do you believe that Object Relational Mappers are a suitable solution to the “object persistence” problem? If yes why? If not, why?
Question 5: Do you believe that Relational Database systems are a suitable solution to the “object persistence” problem? If yes why? If not, why?
Question 6: Do you believe that Object Database systems are a suitable solution to the “object persistence” problem? If yes why? If not, why?
Question 7: What would you wish as a new research/development in the area of Object Persistence in the next 12 months?
Question 8: If you were all powerful and could have influenced technology adoption in the last 10 years, what would today’s typical project use as a persistence mechanism and why?
Question 9: Any parting words about this topic?

The complete panel transcript is also available for free download (PDF).

ODBMS.ORG ( is a vendor-independent, not-for-profit educational program on object database technology and the integration between object-oriented programming and databases. Designed by Prof. Roberto Zicari of Frankfurt University, the program’s goal is to promote and further the use of object databases – by offering free resources for students, faculty and researchers at universities and research centers, as well as for JAVA and .NET developers in the commercial and the open source world. Content is provided by a panel of internationally recognized experts, who share research articles and teaching materials with the community via the organization’s Web portal.

Contact ODBMS.ORG at

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