Object Data Management Group
Standard for Storing Objects
Status of ODMG
The Object Data Management Group (ODMG) completed its work on object data management standards in 2001 and was disbanded.
The final release of the ODMG standard can be found in the book “The Object Data Standard ODMG 3.0”, including the overall data model, and the Smalltalk and C++ bindings for ODMG. The ODMG Java binding has been superceded by Java Data Objects (JDO).
ODBMS.ORG has agreed to host past ODMG.ORG resources (version 1-3) on this site.
Next Generation Standardization Work by OMG
Currently, the Object Management Group (OMG), as distinguished from ODMG, plans a “4th, next generation” object database standard to reflect recent changes in object database technology.
ODBMS.ORG has agreed to host information on the OMG’s next generation standardization work on this site.