

– The Resource Portal for AI, Gen AI, Big Data, Data Science, Data Management Technologies.

Launched in 2005, ODBMS.ORG was created to serve faculty and students at educational and research institutions as well as software developers in the open source community or at commercial companies.

It is designed to meet the fast-growing need for resources focusing on Artificial Intelligence, Gen AI, Big Data, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Science, AI Platforms, Analytical Data Platforms, Cloud platforms, Graphs Databases, In-Memory Databases, NewSQL databases, NoSQL data stores,

This portal features a number of free resources such as articles, white papers, user reports, benchmarks, lecture notes, tutorials, links to software. It is complemented by listings of relevant  books and  vendors to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of available resources.

The Expert Section contains exclusive contributions from 150+ internationally recognized experts such as Merv Adrian, Chris Anderson, Roger Barga, Ken Birman, Michael L. Brodie, Mike Cavaretta, Alon Halevy, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Philippe Kahn, Mitchell Kertzman, Jay Kreps, Jonathan Reichental, Todd Walter, Michael “Monty” Widenius,

The ODBMS Industry Watch Blog is part of this portal and contains up to date Information, Trends, and Interviews with industry leaders on AI, Gen AI, Big Data, Data Analytics, Data Science, New Data Stores (NoSQL, NewSQL Databases, In-Memory Databases, Graphs Data Stores) and Innovation.

All materials and downloads are free and anonymous.

ODBMS.ORG is made possible by contributions from ODBMS.ORG’s Panel of Experts, and the support of the sponsors displayed in the right margin of these pages.

“The ODBMS.ORG portal is a mission-critical resource for any serious 21st century software professional. It is indispensable, and a key element in promoting state-of-the-art software craftsmanship.”

                                          —Philippe Kahn, Technology Innovator and Entrepreneur


The portal’s editor, Roberto V. Zicari, is an affiliated professor at the Yrkeshögskolan Arcada, Helsinki, Finland, and an adjunct professor at the Seoul National University, South Korea.
Roberto V. Zicari is leading a team of international experts who defined an assessment process for Trustworthy AI, called Z-Inspection®.
Previously he was professor of Database and Information Systems (DBIS) at the Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany, where he founded the Frankfurt Big Data Lab .
He is an internationally recognized expert in the field of Databases and Big Data. His interests also expand to Ethics and AI, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. He was for several years a visiting professor with the Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology within the Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at UC Berkeley (USA).

An Invitation to You!

This vendor-independent portal is not exclusive. Rather, it is a shareable resource with contributions from around the world. We invite you to share your comments or to contact us and contribute materials yourself or to become a financial sponsor.
