Big Data: Principles and best practices of scalable realtime data systems.
Big Data: Principles and best practices of scalable realtime data systems.
Nathan Marz (Twitter) and James Warren
MEAP Began: January 2012
Softbound print: Fall 2013 | 425 pages
Manning Publications
ISBN: 9781617290343
Table of Contents
1. A new paradigm for Big Data – Download Chapter 1 (.PDF)
2. Data model for Big Data
3. Data storage on the batch layer
4. MapReduce and Batch
5. Batch layer: Abstraction
6. Batch layer: Tying it all together
7. Serving layer
8. Speed layer: Scalability and fault-tolerance
9. Speed layer: Abstractionandcomposition
11. Lambda architecture in-depth
12. Piping the system together
13. Future of NoSQLand Big Data processing