Technology solutions for managing and computing on large-scale biomedical data.

Technology solutions for managing and computing on large-scale biomedical data.
Charles Schmitt
CTO & Director of Informatics RENCI
Brand Fortner
Executive Director, iRODS Consortium
Jason Coposky
Chief Technologist, iRODS Consortium

Presented work funded in part by grants from NIH, NSF, NARA, DHS, as well as funding from UNC
• Teams involved include:
• DICE team at UNC and UCSD
• Networking team at RENCI and Duke
• Data sciences team at RENCI
• UNC Dept of Genetics, Research Computing, Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, NC Tracs Institute, Center for Bioinformatics, Institute for Pharmacogenetics and Personalized Treatment
• UNC HealthCare
• Multiple members of the iRODS community

DOWNLOAD Presentation (.PDF): Technology solutions-Renci.pdf–copyright RENCI.


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