Data Cleaning: A Practical Perspective
Data Cleaning: A Practical Perspective
Authors: Venkatesh Ganti, Alation Inc.,Anish Das Sarma, Google Inc.
Synthesis Lectures on Data Management
Paperback: 9781608456772 / $40.00 / £24.99
eBook ISBN: 9781627051545
September 2013, 85 pages, Morgan & Claypool Publishers
Data warehouses consolidate various activities of a business and often form the backbone for generating reports that support important business decisions. Errors in data tend to creep in for a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons include errors during input data collection and errors while merging data collected independently across different databases. These errors in data warehouses often result in erroneous upstream reports, and could impact business decisions negatively. Therefore, one of the critical challenges while maintaining large data warehouses is that of ensuring the quality of data in the data warehouse remains high. The process of maintaining high data quality is commonly referred to as data cleaning.
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