Prof. Geoff Webb, Monash University
Geoff Webb is a Professor of Information Technology Research in the Faculty of Information Technology at Monash University, where he heads the Centre for Research in Intelligent Systems. His primary research areas are machine learning, data mining, user modelling and computational structural biology.
He is known for the development of numerous methods, algorithms and techniques for machine learning, data mining, user modelling and computational structural biology. His commercial data mining software, Magnum Opus, incorporates many techniques from his association discovery research. Many of his learning algorithms are included in the widely-used Weka machine learning workbench.
He is editor-in-chief of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, co-editor of the Springer Encyclopedia of Machine Learning, a member of the advisory board of Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, a member of the editorial board of Machine Learning and was a foundation member of the editorial board of ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data.
He was co-PC Chair of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining and co-General Chair of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining. He has received the 2013 IEEE ICDM Service Award and a 2014 Australian Research Council Discovery Outstanding Researcher Award.