Attunity Replicate ROI case study – Grizzly Oil SANDS
Attunity Replicate ROI case study – Grizzly Oil SANDS
By Nucleus Research Inc., Document O174 July 2014
Grizzly Oil Sands deployed Attunity Replicate with very little operational burden to consolidate and move data from remote and disparate systems. Nucleus found that Attunity enabled the company to meet the increasingly complex business needs of the user community, to work with very limited resources, and to avoid new hires and significantly increase staff productivity.
ROI: 1580%
Payback: 1.7 weeks
Average annual benefit: $591,738
Grizzly Oil Sands ULC is a privately held-company, founded in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, in September 2006 by Wexford Capital LP and Gulfport Energy Corp. Grizzly has been an active driller since 2007. Grizzly began an active lease acquisition program shortly after being founded and acquired numerous prospective leases in the 2006-2008 period. Its strategy was to acquire positions in as many active and emerging play areas as possible, by observing industry activity and acquiring positions adjoining or offsetting those of large, credible oil sands operators, complemented by analysis of historical well logs and regional geology. Grizzly’s asset base has grown to over 800,000 gross acres at nearly 100 percent working interest, 100 percent Company-operated. This is among the largest and highest-working-interest landholdings in the oil sands industry. Grizzly has grown to approximately 80 employees.
As with many small and widely-dispersed organizations, Grizzly had data from many different sources and a very small automation and technology team to support these environments. Many of the systems that provided information were remote, and real time access to the data from those control systems was vital. It was an expensive operation to have teams go to the remote sites and perform any type of systems management. It was also important to be able to replicate the data in near real-time, and ensure the security of the data. While the company does leverage an external IT organization, the Grizzly team was responsible for supporting all of the 150+ business applications. Outside consulting is an important part of the organization’s operation, but so was finding a solution that was simple to use, did not require a significant financial outlay, and put little to no operational burden on the automation and technology team.
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