Intro to HBase via R: A Tutorial
Intro to HBase via R: A Tutorial
BY Aaron Benz , sync up . 04/28/2015
Part I: Intro to HBase
Welcome to a brief introduction to HBase by way of R. This tutorial aims to explain how you can use R through the rhbase package. It will use my custom addition to rhbase which is geared toward using tidyr principles and data.tables/data.frames. Other differences include:
1. Standardized row-key serializer (raw data type)
2. sz and usz functions only apply to the actual data instead of to row-key 3. hb.put – wrapper around hb.insert for easier inputting
4. hb.pull – wrapper around hb.scan for easier retrieval
The tutorial has three parts:
1. Installing HBase, Thrift, and rhbase, with a brief intro to HBase
2. Inserting data into HBase, and basic design/modeling
3. Retrieving data from HBase, doing calculations, and inserting calculationsDOWNLOAD THE FULL TUTORIAL (.PDF): rhbase_tutorial