How big and open data can be used for the common good

How big and open data can be used for the common good
Edited by Peter Baeck February 2015

Nesta is an innovation charity with a mission to help people and organisations bring great ideas to life.
We are dedicated to supporting ideas that can help improve all our lives, with activities ranging from early–stage investment to in–depth research and practical programmes.

Nesta is a registered charity in England and Wales with company number 7706036 and charity number 1144091. Registered as a charity in Scotland number SCO42833. Registered office: 1 Plough Place, London, EC4A 1DE. ©Nesta 2015

1. Introduction
2. Citizens Advice Civic Dashboard: how DataKind UK helped 6 Citizens Advice Bureau get more from our data Emma Prest, Datakind and Laura Bunt, Citizens Advice Bureau
3. Using data–driven methods to understand hidden social action
3.1. Mining the grant makers David Kane, National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO)
3.2. Listening in: using social monitoring tools to understand the social economy Rowan Conway, the RSA
3.3. Soft facts and spontaneous community mobilisation: the role of rumour after major crime events Colin Roberts, Martin Innes, Alun Preece and Irena Spasíc Cardiff University
3.4. Social action on social media 44 Carl Miller, Centre for Analysis of Social Media, Demos
3.5. Mapping below the radar organisations on crowdfunding platforms Maria Botello and Noel Hatch, European Alternatives
3.6. What we learned about the potential of using data–driven methods to understand hidden social action
4. Where next for big and open data for the common good 59 Endnotes


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