Graphalytics benchmark

The Graphalytics benchmark is an industrial-grade benchmark for graph analysis platforms such as Giraph. It consists of six core algorithms, standard datasets, synthetic dataset generators, and reference outputs, enabling the objective comparison of graph analysis platforms.

The design of the benchmark process takes into account that graph-processing is impeded by three dimensions of diversity: platform,  algorithms and dataset.

The benchmark harness consists of a core component, which is extendable by a driver for each different platform implementation. The choice of the six algorithms:

  1. breadth-first search,
  2. PageRank,
  3. weakly connected components,
  4. community detection using label propagation,
  5. local clustering coefficient, and
  6. single-source shortest paths

was carefully motivated, using the LDBC TUC and extensive literature surveys to ensure good coverage of scenarios. The standard datasets include both real and synthetic datasets, which are classified into intuitive “T-shirt” sizes (e.g., S, M, L, XL).

Each experiment set in Graphalytics consists of multiple platform runs (a platform executes an algorithm on a dataset), and diverse set of experiments are carried out to evaluate different performance characteristics of a system-under-test.

All completed benchmarks must go through a strict validation process to ensure the integrity of the performance results.

The Graphalytics benchmarking process is made future-proof, through a renewal process that takes place regularly to ensure that the benchmark process meets the state-of-the-art development in the field of graph analytics.

To enhance the depth of the benchmark process, Graphalytics also facilitates a plugin-architecture, which allows externalsoftware tools to be added to the benchmark harness. For instance, it is possible to also use SNB datagen (the data generator of the LDBC Social Network Benchmark), an advanced synthetic dataset generator to create synthetic graphs for custom test scenarios, or to use Granula, a fine-grained performance evaluation tool to obtain enriched performance results.

The development of Graphalytics is supported by many active vendors in the field of large-scale graph analytics. Currently, Graphalytics already facilitates benchmark for a large number of graph analytics platforms, such as Giraph, GraphX, GraphMat, OpenG, and PGXD, allowing comparison of the state-of-the-art system performance of both community-driven and industrial-driven platforms. To get started, the details of the Graphalyics documentation and its software components are described on the Graphalytics developer page.

For Developers

The Graphalytics benchmark is an industrial-grade benchmark for graph analysis platforms. It consists of six core algorithms, standard datasets, synthetic dataset generators, and reference outputs, enabling the objective comparison of graph analysis platforms.

The main Graphalytics components can be found at:


The Graphalytics project leads to several academic publications, including a recent article at VLDB 2016 (available soon). The first draft of the Graphalytics specification document ( is available, which explains in details the benchmark specifications of Graphalytics.

To start using Graphalytics, a complete guide on how to install and run LDBC Graphalytics ( can be found in our repositories, and there are also instructions for creating a new platform driver for Graphalytics (


Our repository is currently hosted at, which may soon be relocated to the main LDBC repository. Graphalytics consists of a core implementation (, which is extendable by a driver implementation for each platform. Currently, Graphalytics also already support driver implementation of several state-of-the-art graph analysis platforms (*), some of which are vendor-optimized.

Standard datasets and Reference outputs

Graphalytics also provides standard datasets and their reference outputs (validated outputs for each algorithm), which can be used in the benchmark process. These datasets will be made available soon.

Recommended Tools

To enhance the depth and comprehensiveness of the benchmark process, the following software tools are integrated into Graphalytics. Usage of these tools is optional, but highly recommended.

  1. Datagen ( Graphalytics relies not only on real-world graphs but also on synthetically generated graphs, which provide a means of testing data configurations not always available in the form of real datasets. Datagen, for example, is an advanced synthetic graph generator which not only preserves many realistic graph features, but also supports graphs with tunable degree distributions and structural characteristics.
  2. Granula ( To extend Graphalytics with fine-grained performance evaluation, we developed Granula, a performance evaluation system for graph analysis platform, Granula consists of four main modules: the modeller, the monitor, the archiver, and the visualizer.

LDBC came out of a EU FP7 project and is now a non-profit organization sustained by its members and sponsored by Oracle Labs and IBM.


email: info AT ldbcouncil DOT org

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