Islets Protect Sensitive IoT Information
SSRN WP 2836282
Islets Protect Sensitive IoT Information
Verifiably ending use of sensitive IoT information for mass surveillance fosters (international) commerce
BY Carl Hewitt
Islets is a system for citizens to coordinate with IoT devices and other citizens while protecting their sensitive health, legal, political, and social information and fostering (international) commerce by enabling conclusive verification that foreign governments are no longer conducting mass surveillance using IoT manufactured products and Internet company service provider datacenters[Chappell 2017; Gunaratna 2017; Enck 2010; Leyden 2014; Monroe 2017].
IoT poses extreme security and privacy challenges for sensitive personal information, including psychological, sexual, social, financial, legal, and medical. Enormous amounts of sensitive information that can be used against citizens is being stored in datacenters controlled by foreign-domiciled companies[Beeler 2017; Chappell 2017; Disconnect 2015; Gunaratna 2017; Leyden 2014; Monroe 2017] and extensively sold on multiple markets by data brokers[Enck 2010; Herbert 2016; Martinez 2016].[16] Within 10 years, hologlasses (holographic glasses) are projected to become as common as cell phones because they offer heads-up, hands-free, transparent operation[Mackie 2016; Mundy 2016].
Consumer health and medical IoT involve the some of the most sensitive of information that can be used against citizens. For example, pacemakers and insulin pumps are becoming ever more common. Further out, DARPA is developing an implantable neural interface able to provide unprecedented signal resolution and data-transfer bandwidth between the human brain and the digital world [DARPA 2016]. Many workers and military personnel may someday not be competitive if they lack a brain prosthetic[Cott 2015; Philip 2015].
IoT will soon be in almost all manufactured devices thereby threatening the economic survival of tans-national manufacturers as well as Internet companies because of their current Internet business model of storing the most sensitive of personal information in their datacenters from IoT devices. Cyberspace Administration of China, European Court of Justice and other national governments have announced their intention to verifiably end mass surveillance of their citizens by foreign governments using datacenters of foreign-domiciled companies[Beeler 2017; Bot 2015; Castro and McQuinn 2015; China National People’s Congress 2016; Farrell and Newman 2016; Mozur and Perlez 2016; Hewitt 2016b] because information stored in the datacenters of foreign-domiciled corporations can at some future time become accessible to the government of the country in which the company is domiciled.[Packel 2017]
Consequently, companies that store sensitive information in their datacenters must be domestically incorporated to be able to verify that foreign governments do not have bulk access to the information. Islets are a means for trans-national companies (including both IoT manufacturers and Internet service providers) to escape this trap by storing sensitive information of users’ IoT devices in Islets and storing only non-sensitive information in their datacenters[Hewitt 2016b].
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