Expanding Cloud SQL Database Solutions with Google, Intel, and NuoDB
CASE STUDY Finance Industry Solution Focus Area
How Google Cloud Platform, Intel® Optane™, and NuoDB together enable enterprises to move critical transaction processing workloads to the cloud for scalability, performance, and cost advantages
Executive Summary
Businesses want the benefit of cloud computing, but they also need the right solution for migrating their transactional workloads and their legacy SQL databases. The combination of Google’s industry-leading cloud infrastructure and services (Google Cloud Platform), Intel® Optane™ DC Persistent Memory, and NuoDB’s innovative distributed SQL database addresses these requirements. Enterprises, including those in regulated sectors such as banking and other financial services, can now move their SQL databases and applications cost-effectively to the cloud, scaling performance while respecting regulations and assuring business continuity.
DOWNLOAD report (.PDF): GCP-Intel-NuoDB_CaseStudy (1)
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