How edge computing will address the ambiguity of real-time. Thu, Sep 10, 2020 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM CEST

Historically the phrase “real-time” has been turned into shorthand for “faster than our competitors”. Edge computing and 5G are going to reclaim “real-time”. They have explicit requirements that complex real-time business events must finish within single digit millisecond timescales. Many enterprises that have become very successful making decisions at human speeds and with human tolerances for error will find that techniques and technologies they have built empires with may no longer be relevant.

Who will win? Who will lose? How do you thrive in the 5G edge world? Join our panel for answers.


David Rolfe, Global IoT and Telco Expert, VoltDB

Prateek Kapadia, CTO, Flytxt David Hovey, Executive Director Core Products and 5G, Openet

Moderator: Dalia Adib, Principal Consultant & Practice Lead – Edge Computing, STL Partners

Who should attend: Telco enterprise teams Digital BSS vendors Vendors / enterprises interested IIOT


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