Graph Embeddings for Graph-Native Machine Learning Thursday, December 3, 2020 08:00 PT | 11:00 ET | 16:00 BT | 17:00 CET


Join us to understand how you can use graph-native machine learning in Neo4j to make breakthrough predictions. Previously only accessible to researchers and a very few advanced tech companies, Neo4j has democratized graph-based ML techniques that leverage deep learning and graph convolutional neural networks.

Most data science models ignore network structure while graphs add highly predictive features to ML models, increasing accuracy and enabling otherwise unattainable predictions based on relationships. 

In this 60 minute webinar on Thursday, December 3, we’ll explain our new graph embeddings and demonstrate using the GraphSAGE embedding results with our new ML catalog. We’ll also visualize the predictions of different models using Neo4j Bloom.

We hope you can join us to hear about this game-changing breakthrough.


Alicia Frame and Amy Hodler, Neo4j

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