Why UDB is the fastest way to debug.⚡️WEBINAR⚡️Tuesday 15th December 12pm PST / 3pm EST/ 8PM BST

Tuesday 15th December 12pm PST / 3pm EST/ 8PM BST 30 minute
webinar looking at
why UDB is the fastest way to debug.  

You’ll learn what time-travel debugging is all about and why UDB is
both a more powerful and more versatile debugger than GDB.

We’ll cover:Running UDB (usage command line and in IDEs)Navigating
the execution stackStepping through a program backwards and forwardsExamining variables contentUsing UDB saves you time when
investigating problems with an applicationFor developers debugging C/C++ code who are familiar with GDB / IDE debuggers and want to learn more about how to resolve errors in code faster and more efficiently.
Join us live or laterAlready have plans on that date? No problem! 
When you fill out the form, we’ll send you an on-demand copy after it airs. Chance to win!
Register & attend this entire webinar for the chance to win a 
$100* Amazon gift card right on the spot!
*or £100/ €100 depending on your local currencyFor details & terms, click here.

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