Michael Blaha
Michael Blaha is a partner at Modelsoft Consulting Corporation.
Blaha received his doctorate from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri in Chemical Engineering with his dissertation being about databases. He is an alumnus of the GE R&D Center in Schenectady, New York, working there for eight years. Since 1994, Blaha has been a consultant and trainer in the areas of modeling, software architecture, database design, data warehouses, and reverse engineering. Blaha has authored seven U.S. patents, seven books, and many papers. His most recent book is the “UML Database Modeling Workbook”.
Contribution to ODBMS.ORG
- 007.01 The Dilemma of Encapsulation vs. Query Optimization(PDF)
- 007.02 Referential Integrity Is Important For Databases (PDF)
- User Report 15/08: Michael Blaha at OMT (PDF)
- 007.03 An Example of Ignoring Referential Integrity The LDAP Standard (PDF)
- 007.04 Object-Oriented Design of Database Stored Procedures (PDF)
- https://www.odbms.org/blog//?s=Blaha
- https://www.odbms.org/?s=Blaha
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