Bob Bretl, GemTalk Systems

Bob Bretl


Bob Bretl is Principal Engineer at GemTalk Systems.

Bob Bretl was founder and Principal Engineer at GemStone Systems Inc.

Contribution to ODBMS.ORG


Bob has worked on the GemStone/S products since 1982. He started his career  at Tektronix in 1975 working in the SPS Engineering group.
Bob has developed many of the key components of the GemStone/S  architecture. He managed the core engineering team for the GemStone/J development, developed and supported the Facets product, and provided the  inspiration for and lead the development of the first release of the GemFire product. Currently Bob is working on multi-threading many of the  core algorithms to provide added scalability for the GemStone/S product.

Bob is the co-author on several papers and the co-inventor of 3 patents on  GemStone/S’s OODBMS technology and 5 of the patents in the GemFire technology. He earned his BS in Mathematics from Carroll College in  Wisconsin and his MS in Computer Science from Iowa State University.