Mike Card
Mike works with Syracuse Research Corporation (SRC) and is involved in object databases and their application to challenging problems, including pattern recognition. He chairs the ODBAT group in OMG to advance object database standardization.
Mike’s first foray into real-time database was in the 1991-1994 period when he helped develop the Real Time Data Manager (RTDM) for the Seawolf submarine combat system.
From 1995 until the end of 1998, he worked on the Functionally Intergrated Resource Manager (FIRM) program, which was run out of the AirnForce Research Laboratory (AFRL) at Wright-patterson Air Force Base. He also represented Lockheed Martin as a voting member of the Object Data Management Group (ODMG) at that time.
From 1999 through 2002, he was the systems engineering lead for the emitter classification (signal pattern recognition, essentially) team on the US Navy’s Advanced Integrated Electronics Warfare System (AIEWS) system.
Contribution to ODBMS.ORG
- 033.01 Next-Generation Object Database Standardization (PDF)
- User Report 10/08: Mike Card at Syracuse (PDF)
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