Manfred Jeusfeld
Manfred Jeusfeld studied computer science (minor Operations Research) from 1980 to 1986 at the University of Technology Aachen (RWTH), Germany. After getting his Diploma degree, he moved to University of Passau, Germany, to join the institute of Prof. Matthias Jarke. He worked on development support for database applications and on foundations of deductive & object-oriented databases. In 1992 he received his Doctoral degree in Natural Sciences from the University of Passau. In 1992 he returned to the RWTH Aachen as a senior researcher of the Information Systems Institute (Informatik V). He led research projects in the areas of distributed cooperative information systems, metamodeling techniques, and medical terminology. He has been the principal developer of the ConceptBase system, which is now used by several hundreds institutes and companies world-wide for designing information systems and meta modeling. In 1995, he spend one year as a visiting assistant professor at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Department of Information & Systems Management. There, he worked on interoperable decision support systems and information architectures for electronic shops. Since 1997, he is assistant professor in the department Information Management (IM) at the faculty of economics of the Tilburg University, The Netherlands. His research covers cooperative conceptual modeling, data warehouse quality management, meta modeling, method engineering, and repository systems. Since 2007, he is research coordinator of the research group Computerized Information Systems (CIS), responsible for the fundamental research on information systems at the department IM. Dr. Jeusfeld has published more than 10 journal articles (Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, etc.) and numerous conference articles. He is area editor for the Requirements Engineering Journal. He is or has been reviewer for international journals like Transactions on Informations Systems and conferences including ICIS, VLDB, CAiSE, ER and others. Memberships: ACM, SIGMOD, IEEE, ACM-German Chapter, GI-MoBIS