Nicolas Spyratos
Nicolas is professor emeritus of Computer Science at the University of Paris South, Orsay Center, at the Informatics Research Laboratory (LRI).
Educated in Greece, Canada and France, he holds a Diploma in Electrical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (Greece), a M.Sc. from the University of Ottawa (Canada), Ph.D. from Carleton University (Canada), and Thèse d’Etat from the University of Paris South (France).
Prior to 1983, he has worked for IBM in Greece, for Bell-Northern Research and the Federal Department of Communications in Canada, and for INRIA, the University of Orleans and the National Research Council (CNRS) in France.
He is the author of over 150 publications in international conferences and journals and his current research interests include conceptual modelling, big data analytics, digital libraries and information personalization.