RINQ Concept of a Ruby Integrated Query Language
Sten Friedrich, TFH Berlin The paper, a submission to ICOODB 2008, presents an approach to integrate Ruby and Object Databases DOWNLOAD (PDF)
Operational Database Management Systems
Sten Friedrich, TFH Berlin The paper, a submission to ICOODB 2008, presents an approach to integrate Ruby and Object Databases DOWNLOAD (PDF)
German Viscuso, Developer Relations Manager, Versant Corporation. Abstract: The JPA specification draws on ideas, concepts and standards from leading persistence frameworks such as TopLink, Hibernate, and Java Data Objects (JDO), as well as on...
Mikael Kopteff, Haaga-Helia-University The paper, a submission to ICOODB 2008, presents an empirical comparison of various ORM tools and object databases for Java DOWNLOAD (PDF)
Kazimierz Subieta et. al., Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology The paper, a submission to ICOODB 2008, presents fundamental ideas and topics of SBA and SBQL DOWNLOAD (PDF)
Kazimierz Subieta et. al., Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology The paper, a submission to ICOODB 2008, focuses on SQBL object views to enable unlimited mapping and updatability DOWNLOAD (PDF)
Avinash Lakshman, Prashant Malik This presentation describes Cassandra. a Google Bigtable-like data store used by Facebook. DOWNLOAD (PDF)
Kazimierz Subieta et. al., Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology The paper, a submission to ICOODB 2008, focuses on Recursive Query Processing in SQBL DOWNLOAD (PDF)
Jiang Li, Austin Peay State University This White Paper describes the application of Native Queries in complex image databases. DOWNLOAD (PDF)
Jiang Li, Ram M. Narayanan, Austin Peay State University This White Paper describes the application of ODBMS to deal efficiently with very complex data. DOWNLOAD (PDF)
Michael Grossniklaus An Object-Oriented Version Model, ISBN-10: 3836429381. DOWNLOAD (PDF)