Marriott on Geospatial ODBMSs; Rick Cattell Joins ODBMS.ORG


ODBMS.ORG, the Internet’s most up-to-date educational and research portal on object database technology, today announced that its expertAdrian Marriott has submitted a paper on “Scalable Geospatial Object Database”, which is available for immediate and free download from the portal’s Expert Section.

The purpose of Marriott’s paper is to describe the Geospatial Object Server (GOS) that lies at the heart of the OS Master Map project deployed Ordnance Survey in the United Kingdom. The aim of OS Master Map is to underpin all commercial and government activity that involves spatial data into the next millennium.

Rick Cattell Joins ODBMS.ORG Board of Experts

In addition, ODBMS.ORG announced, that Dr. Rick Cattell has joined its panel of over 80 internationally recognizable experts.

Dr. R. G. G. “Rick” Cattell is a Distinguished Engineer at Sun Microsystems. He has worked for over twenty years at Sun in management and senior technical roles, and for ten years in research at Xerox PARC and at Carnegie-Mellon University.

Dr. Cattell is best known for his contributions to database systems and middle ware — particularly J2EE, object-oriented databases, object/relational mappings, and database interfaces. He is the author of several dozen papers and six books. He was a founder of SQL Access (a predecessor to ODBC), the founder and chair of the Object Data Management Group (ODMG), the co-creator of JDBC, and the author of the world’s first monograph on object/relational and object databases.

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