New expert article “On NoSQL technologies.Part I”. Published.

December 15, 2009 — ODBMS.ORG, a vendor-independent non-profit group of high-profile software experts lead by Prof. Roberto V. Zicari, has exclusively published a new expert article “On NoSQL technologies”. The article presents a number of interviews done by Prof. Zicari, Editor of ODBMS.ORG, with a number of leading experts on their views on the current status and future of the so called NoSQL technologies.

Patrick Linskey, formerly leader of the EJB team at BEA which designed and implemented the WebLogic Server EJB 3.0 solution, commented on the topic cloud store: “The new cloud stores are focused on filling the gaps where most RDB alternatives fall flat. The way they do it, of course, is by getting rid of problematic features. Cloud stores are intentionally designed to scale. More importantly, cloud stores aren’t fully ACID, in the traditional sense of the term.”

To the question if object databases can be considered NoSQL technologies, Robert Charles Greene, V.P. Open Source Operations,at Versant Corporation commented: “I see the core message being conveyed as, one size does not fit all when it comes to data management.” This can be considered a change of attitude as Mr. Greene pointed out: “That’s a far cry from abandoning the SQL approach to data management and in my mind leaves little to defend, though some seem to feel threatened enough by the catch phrase to sound the alarm. In some sense, this notion that “one size does not fit all” is an important change in attitude, because for many years one size fits all was prevalent.”

The article also includes interviews with Kaj Arno, VP Engineering at MySQL on “NoSQL databases, and Giuseppe Maxia, QA developer at MySQL, on “the evolution of “non-relational databases”.

“On NoSQL technologies.Part I” is available for free download (PDF).

ODBMS.ORG ( is a vendor-independent, not-for-profit educational program on object database technology and the integration between object-oriented programming and databases. Designed by Prof. Roberto Zicari of Frankfurt University, the program’s goal is to promote and further the use of object databases – by offering free resources for students, faculty and researchers at universities and research centers, as well as for JAVA and .NET developers in the commercial and the open source world. Content is provided by a panel of internationally recognized experts, who share research articles and teaching materials with the community via the organization’s Web portal.

About ODBMS Industry Watch Blog In his ODBMS Industry Watch Blog (, editor Prof. Roberto V. Zicari (ODBMS.ORG) muses about latest trends in the industry. The blog includes his exclusive series On_Innovation. The ODBMS Industry Watch Blog is part of ODBMS.ORG. Contact ODBMS.ORG at

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