“One size does not fit all”: Three new expert articles on comparing and contrasting object database systems to nosql datastores.
March 8, 2010 — ODBMS.ORG, a vendor-independent non-profit group of high-profile software experts lead by Prof. Roberto V. Zicari, announced the publication of three new expert articles which compare and contrast object database systems (odbms) to nosql data stores:
— “On NoSQL technologies – Part II” (free download as .PDF).
Both articles collect several interviews done by Roberto Zicari in the last past weeks on the topics document stores, nosql databases, ODBMSs. Among the experts interviewd, Prof. Michael Stonebraker (MIT), Dr. Hamid Pirahesh, (IBM Fellow), Marten Gustaf Mickos (previously CEO of MySQL AB), Peter Norvig (Director of Research at Google Inc.), and several more.
“I think the “one size does not fit all” mantra — which I have been espousing for some time — is a good way to think about things. After all, the no SQL folks are themselves pretty diverse.” remarks Prof. Stonebraker at MIT.
–“The Object Database Language “Galileo” – 25 years later” (free download .PDF) , by Renzo Orsini.
The article presents an overview of the pioneer work conducted in 80s at the Pisa University with the object persistence database language Galileo. The article presents some lessons learned from the project, and draws some considerations on the actual discussion on NoSQL data stores vs. object databases and relational databases, based on the Galileo project experience.
ODBMS.ORG (www.odbms.org) is a vendor-independent, not-for-profit educational program on object database technology and the integration between object-oriented programming and databases. Designed by Prof. Roberto Zicari of Frankfurt University, the program’s goal is to promote and further the use of object databases – by offering free resources for students, faculty and researchers at universities and research centers, as well as for JAVA and .NET developers in the commercial and the open source world. Content is provided by a panel of internationally recognized experts, who share research articles and teaching materials with the community via the organization’s Web portal.
About ODBMS Industry Watch Blog
In his ODBMS Industry Watch Blog (www.odbms.org/blog/), editor Prof. Roberto V. Zicari (ODBMS.ORG) muses about latest trends in the industry. The blog includes his exclusive series of interviews On_Innovation. . The ODBMS Industry Watch Blog is part of ODBMS.ORG.
Contact ODBMS.ORG at editor@odbms.org.