Best Object Databases Lecture Notes for ETH Zurich!
San Francisco,CA/USA, Frankfurt/Germany, October 1, 2010. – ODBMS.ORG, a vendor-independent non-profit group of high-profile software experts lead by Prof. Roberto Zicari, together with a jury of members of the ODBMS.ORG Experts Board, announced the winner for the “Best Object Databases Lecture Notes” Award 2010.
The winners of the ODBMS.ORG “Best Object Databases Lecture Notes” Award 2010 are:
Dr. Michael Grossniklaus and Prof. Moira Norrie, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, for their Lecture Notes “Object-Oriented Databases”.
Second place for: “Object Database Tutorial” by Dr. Rick Cattell, Independent Consultant, USA.
Third place for: “Modern Database Techniques” by Prof. Martin Hulin, Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten, Germany.
The Award Ceremony was held on September 29, 2010 at the ( 3rd International Conference on Objects and Databases (ICOODB 2010)) in Frankfurt.
The Awards recognize the most complete and up to date lecture notes on Object Databases, that have been, or have strong potential to be, instrumental to the teaching of theory and practice in the field of objects and databases.
Any Lecture Notes published in ODBMS.ORG during the years 2004-2010 were eligible for the 2010 award.
The jury panel was composed by:
Prof. Suad Alagic, University of Southern Maine, USA
Prof. Dr. Alfonso F. Cárdenas, UCLA, USA
Leon Guzenda, Objectivity, USA
John McHugh, Progress Software, USA
Prof. Renzo Orsini, University of Venice, Italy
Prof. Tore J.M. Risch, University of Uppsala, Sweden
Prof. Nicolas Spyratos, University of Paris South, France
Prof. Roberto V. Zicari, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany.
“This is a very nice recognition to the award winners, and it also encourages others to contribute educational materials that others can use. Very good.” Prof. Alfonso Cardenas, Computer Science Department, UCLA.
ODBMS.ORG( is a vendor-independent, not-for-profit educational program on object database technology and the integration between object-oriented programming and databases started in September 2005. Designed by Prof. Roberto V. Zicari of Frankfurt University, the program’s goal is to promote and further the use of objects and databases – by offering free resources for students, faculty and researchers at universities and research centers, as well as for JAVA and .NET developers in the commercial and the open source world. Content is provided by a panel of internationally recognized experts, who share research articles and teaching materials with the community via the organization’s Web portal.
About ODBMS Industry Watch Blog
In his ODBMS Industry Watch Blog (, editor Prof. Roberto V. Zicari (ODBMS.ORG) muses about latest trends in the industry. The blog includes his exclusive series of interviews “On Innovation”. The ODBMS Industry Watch Blog is part of ODBMS.ORG.
Contact ODBMS.ORG at editor AT
Note to Editors::
Links to Short bios and photos of the winners and finalists, and to the .pdf of the Lecture Notes are available at: HERE.