StreamCloud: An Elastic Parallel-Distributed Stream Processing Engine
Language: English
Author: Vincenzo Massimiliano Gulisano
Affiliation: Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (U.P.M.) – Polytechnic University of Madrid
Abstract: The thesis proposes a novel stream processing engine, StreamCloud, that overcomes limitations of existing centralized and distributed stream processing engines introducing parallelism, elastic capabilities (self provisioning and decommissioning), load balancing and fault tolerance. The proposed stream processing engine has been fully implemented and tested with real world use cases such as fraud detection (in the context mobile phones networks and credit card transactions) and in network monitoring applications to detect and mitigate DDoS attacks.
Type of work: PhD
No of Pages:232
Year of completion:2012
Name of supervisor: Professor Ricardo Jiménez Peris (codirector: Professor Patrick Valduriez)