Event Processing in Big Data: Creating Fast Data
Event Processing in Big Data: Creating Fast Data
Alexandre Alves, Oracle.
Big Data is a term that has been widely hyped by the IT media and vendors. Given the huge amounts of data that businesses are accumulating — terabytes, even petabytes of data — and the competitive need to get more insight into market trends and corporate performance, that’s not surprising. Almost every company is faced with the need to manage, and analyze, “big data”. In this article we explore what is Big Data and how organizations can take advantage of it using event processing technologies.
Let’s start by considering a common use-case in which a sales manager needs to identify the company’s top-selling products in each of the primary markets where the product can be purchased for extended periods, such as the last month. It sounds simple, but it’s actually a very hard problem to solve. One of the difficulties is the volume of data that needs to be processed for such an analysis. In this case, the volume of data could vary between thousands, to millions, or even billions of sales transactions. Regular tools such as relational databases and visualization software typicallydon’tscaletosuchvolumesofdata. Also,thedatacanbebothstructuredandunstructured,something w!hich is not easily handled by the existing data management and analysis tools.