Carlos Andre Reis Pinheiro, Teradata
Carlos Andre Reis Pinheiro is currently a Data Scientist at Teradata2, Brazil,visiting professor at Data ScienceTech Institute, France,visiting professor at KU Leuven, Belgium, and a lecturer and researcher at Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV), Brazil.
Previously he was Data Scientist at EMC2.
His main research interests are social network analysis, for different business applications, and pattern recognition of the human mobility behavior in urban areas. He began his business career in analytics in 1996 for a Brazilian worldwide shipping company developing a set of Olap applications for sales and logistics. Working at some of the largest telecommunications providers since the market privatized in 1998 (Embratel, Brasil Telecom and Oi), Dr. Pinheiro has examined business problems in database marketing, data warehousing, data mining, optimization and social networks analysis across a wide range of departments including IT, marketing, sales, revenue assurance and finance.
Dr. Pinheiro holds a DSc in Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, a MSc in Computer Science from Fluminense Federal University, and a BSc in Mathematics & Computer Science. He has also accomplished four postdoctoral research terms over the past years, in Optimization at IMPA, Brazil (2006-2007), in Social Network Analysis at Dublin City University, Ireland (2008-2009), in Path Analysis and Complex Networks at Universite de Savoie, France (2012), and in Human Mobility Behavior Analysis at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium (2013).