IoT: Implications on Database Management
Steven Graves, President and CEO of McObject, will be speaking at the ESE Conference on 3 December at 8:50 AM:
IoT: Implications on Database Management
The meteoric rise of the IoT ecosystem has put pressure on database management system vendors to keep up with the technical challenges and to differentiate themselves in a large pool of possible solutions.
What used to be “embedded systems” are now more popularly known as IoT edge devices and gateways. And, while they may retain many of the same characteristics of embedded systems of yore, there are also differences. This presentation will explore those old and new characteristics and their implications on DBMSs.
Traditional embedded systems were most often silos that consumed and processed data to fulfill their primary purpose such as control of industrial equipment, network control, environmental monitoring and so on. If they needed to share data, it was an extension of their primary purpose, e.g. to implement high availability. IoT devices’ primary purpose is often to collect and/or generate data and share it for some higher purpose such as analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence. We will discuss how embedded database systems have evolved to serve these purposes.
The popularity, visibility and openness of the IoT systems creates concerns and often generate negatives publicity about security failures and infrastructure breakdowns. This presentation will explore the role that DBMSs should play in ensuring the IoT data fabric’s security, safety and reliability.
Further, IoT ecosystems are multi-faceted and multi-tiered: devices feed gateways, and gateways feed servers. IoT system developers need to manage the movement and aggregation of data. Servers and gateways can receive data from hundreds and thousands of connected devices. Consequently, IoT DBMSs need to manage not just data at rest, but also data in transit. How can DBMSs help developers contend with the volume and velocity of IoT data? We will discuss recent DBMS developments intended to address the three Vs: Variety, Velocity and Volume.
Here is the link to the seminar: