Creating Autonomous Vehicle Systems

The First Technical Overview of Autonomous Vehicles

Creating Autonomous Vehicle Systems
Shaoshan Liu, Liyun Li, Jie Tang, Shuang Wu, Jean-Luc Gaudiot 

This best-selling title is a comprehensive overview of the entire autonomous vehicle technology stack and is the first technical overview of autonomous vehicles to be published. It is full of the authors’ practical experiences. If you are an autonomous driving practitioner, the many practical techniques introduced in this book will be of interest to you. Researchers will also find plenty of references for an effective, deeper exploration of the various technologies.  


  • Introduction to Autonomous Driving
  • Autonomous Vehicle Localization
  • Perception in Autonomous Driving
  • Deep Learning in Autonomous Driving Perception
  • Prediction and Routing
  • Decision, Planning, and Control
  • Reinforcement Learning-based Planning and Control
  • Client Systems for Autonomous Driving
  • Cloud Platform for Autonomous Driving

ISBN: 9781681730073 | PDF ISBN: 9781681730080 | Hardcover ISBN: 9781681732435 Buy Print/eBook Now
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Morgan & Claypool Publishers 

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