Deep Learning for Autonomous Vehicle Control

Deep Learning for Autonomous Vehicle Control
Sampo Kuutti, University of Surrey, UK
Saber Fallah, University of Surrey, UK
Richard Bowden, University of Surrey, UK
Phil Barber, Jaguar Land Rover
This book presents a view of current technological capabilities in autonomous vehicle control through deep learning methods, discussing algorithms and techniques used, shortcomings of current systems, research challenges, and safety perspectives. The target audience includes graduate students interested in autonomous vehicles, automotive engineers and researchers who want to learn how these new tools can be applied to the next generation of intelligent transportation systems, as well as deep learning practitioners who aim to apply their
skills to self-driving cars.
Morgan & Claypool Publishers
ISBN: 9781681736075 | PDF ISBN: 9781681736082 | Hardcover ISBN: 9781681736167 Buy Print/eBook Now
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