Creating Autonomous Vehicle Systems, 2nd Edition
Shaoshan Liu, PerceptIn
Liyun Li, Xpeng Motors
Jie Tang, South China University of Technology
Shuang Wu, YiTu
Jean-Luc Gaudiot, University of California, Irvine
This book is one of the first technical overviews of autonomous vehicles written for a general computing and engineering audience. The authors share their practical experiences designing autonomous vehicle systems. The second edition captures the latest advances in autonomous driving and that it also presents usable real-world case studies to help readers better understand how to utilize their lessons in commercial autonomous driving projects.
This book should be useful to students, researchers, and practitioners alike. Whether you are an undergraduate or a graduate student interested in autonomous driving, you will find herein a comprehensive overview of the whole autonomous vehicle technology stack. If you are an autonomous driving practitioner, the many practical techniques introduced in this book will be of interest to you. Researchers will also find extensive references for an effective, deeper exploration of the various technologies.
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