Opinion of the German Data Ethics Commission
Germany’s Federal Government set up the Data Ethics Commission (Datenethikkommission) on 18 July 2018.
It was given a one-year mandate to develop ethical benchmarks and guidelines as well as specific recom- mendations for action, aiming at protecting the indi- vidual, preserving social cohesion, and safeguarding
and promoting prosperity in the information age. As a starting point, the Federal Government presented the Data Ethics Commission with a number of key questions clustered around three main topics: algorithm-based decision-making (ADM), AI and data. In the opinion of the Data Ethics Commission, however, AI is merely one among many possible variants of an algorithmic system, and has much in common with other such systems in terms of the ethical and legal questions it raises. With this in mind, the Data Ethics Commission has structured its work under two different headings: data and algorithmic systems (in the broader sense).
Opinion of the German Data Ethics Commission
– Lecture (1 hour).
Prof. Christiane Wendehorst
Frankfurt Big Data Lab, June 06, 2020