Emerging Rules on Artificial Intelligence: Trojan Horses of Ethics in the Realm of Law?

How are Ethics and Law related to each other? What does it mean for Artificial Intelligence?

Example: Germany

–  no cross-cutting legal (or ethical) rules on artificial intelligence

–  dispersed specific rules, for instance on algorithmic trading (§ 80 para. 2 WpHG)

–  National strategy on Artificial Intelligence (November 2018), with promise to test and, if necessary, to modify the rules applicable to AI

–  Focus on implementation of ethical standards (Ethics by, in and for Design)


– Rules implemented by companies (German Telekom) or by industry associations (Global Policy Framework of the International Technology Law Association)

I recommend this interesting lecture:

– Lecture (1 hour). 

Prof. Florian Möslein

Frankfurt Big Data Lab, May 28, 2020

 [slides] [video]

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