DBaaS live panel with Forrester’s lead database analyst Noel Yuhanna on Friday, November 20.

Please join my DBaaS live panel with Forrester’s lead database analyst
Noel Yuhanna on Friday, November 20. You’ll come away from this
session with a clear understanding of why so many businesses are
making the move to DBaaS and how to choose the best DBaaS to meet
your own specific needs.Not sure how to prioritize your critical
requirements when selecting a DBaaS? We’ll discuss how you can meet
your goals for query language familiarity, robustness, HTAP, scalability,
reliability, security, multicloud support, and cost savings without having
to compromise on any of them.This will be an interactive session,
so be sure to bring your questions. Hope you can make it!Jeff Morris
VP, Product and Solutions Marketing
 Register Now

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