2020 Partner Report on Support to Statistics (PRESS 2020) OECD.

We are pleased to launch the
 2020 Partner Report on Support to Statistics (PRESS 2020).
The flagship report is the most comprehensive global analysis of financial flows to data and statistics, identifying shortfalls and steps we can take to address them. This year’s report provides a snapshot of funding to data and statistics during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read the Report

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The new #PRESS2020 report by @ContactPARIS21 raises serious concerns that under #COVID-19 less than 0.5% of international aid on #COVID-19 so far has a primary focus on data and statistics.
However, data needs have never been higher.
Full report: bit.ly/372tSWa

.@ContactPARIS21’s newly released #PRESS2020 finds that only about 11% of total funding to COVID-19-related data projects have an explicit gender dimension. This poses a significant barrier to inclusive pandemic response and recovery. Full report: bit.ly/372tSWa

63% of low-income & lower-middle-income countries are in great need for additional financing to data & statistics. Yet, official funding flows to data & statistics amounted to only $693m in 2018 (0.34% of total ODA). More in @ContactPARIS21’s #PRESS2020: bit.ly/372tSWa
150 countries & territories planned to hold a census in 2020-2021, a historical high. However, many countries had to divert previously-secured funding for censuses, #CRVS and other fundamental statistical activities to emergency response. More in @ContactPARIS21’s new #PRESS2020: bit.ly/372tSWa
How can we advance towards more & better #Financing4Statistics? An information platform developed by the Bern Network has the potential to make financing for development & statistics more efficient. Learn more in @ContactPARIS21’s new #PRESS2020: bit.ly/372tSWa

Thank you for your support.

We wish you a healthy rest of the year! Stay safe.

The PARIS21 Secretariat

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