InfiniteGraph is a distributed graph database product that enables large-scale graph processing, data analytics and discovery. Download InfiniteGraph. LINK
Operational Database Management Systems
InfiniteGraph is a distributed graph database product that enables large-scale graph processing, data analytics and discovery. Download InfiniteGraph. LINK
Rodriguez, M.A., Neubauer, P., Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, American Society for Information Science and Technology, volume 36, number 6, pages 35-41, doi:10.1002/bult.2010.1720360610, ISSN:1550-8366, August 2010. LINK (arXiv preprint) |
Rodriguez, M.A. 2nd International Workshop on Graph Data Management: Techniques and Applications (GDM’11), Hannover, Germany, April 2011. LINK (slideshare)
Rodriguez M.A., Shinavier, J. Journal of Informetrics, volume 4, number 1, pages 29-41, ISSN:1751-1577, Elsevier, doi:10.1016/j.joi.2009.06.004, LA-UR-08-03931, December 2009. LINK (arXiv preprint)
Rodriguez, M.A. . Knowledge-Based Systems, volume 21, number 7, pages 727-739, ISSN:0950-7051, Elsevier, doi:10.1016/j.knosys.2008.03.030, LA-UR-06-7791, October 2008. LINK (arXiv preprint)