Category: Persistence Patterns
Eugenia Stathopoulou, Panos Vassiliadis Presents 4 patterns for relational databases on top of which, object-relational or other structures can be applied. [] Querying, [] Schema Modifications, [] Storage, [] Updates, DOWNLOAD (PDF)
Lenny Hoffman, Todd Stavish, Dr Nic Caine, Brian Clark. Objectivity, Inc. Through the lifetime of a system processing and data requirements change resulting in changes to the underlying object model. Managing these changes without...
Takenori Sato Presents Patterns for ODBMS and Graphs. DOWNLOAD (PDF)
Derek Laufenberg, Versant Corp. Intent: This pattern splits a class into a few supporting classes for improving system performance. DOWNLOAD (PDF)
Derek Laufenberg, Versant Corp. Intent: This pattern eliminates the growth of the parent collection object, thus improving performance. DOWNLOAD (PDF)
Richard Lingeh, Principal Consultant, Versant This paper presents 1 Pattern which allows any further evolution of a database after a complete modification of the client application model to be done by a separate schema...
Matthew Barker, Director of System Engineering, Versant Corp. Intent: This pattern sub-divides a large persistent collection into smaller component collections using a balanced tree structure. DOWNLOAD (PDF)
Robert Greene , Vice President, Versant Corp. Intent: A persistent versioned object graph for time sensitive retrieval of deep object graphs. DOWNLOAD (PDF)
Adrian Marriott , Principal Consultant, Progress Software Inc. This paper outlines a series of common OO patterns (13 patterns and 1 anti-pattern) that have been encountered in the past decade working with ObjectStore based...