Category: Expert Articles
By Adrian Marriott December 6, 2006 Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to explore the analysis offered by Robert Greene in his paper OODBMS Architectures: An examination of implementations, and to correct what the author believes are...
By Robert Greene October 3, 2006 Abstract: The Object Oriented Database Management System (OODBMS) has been in existence now for nearly 2 decades. The major vendors conceived and began implementing them in the late 80’s...
By William Cook, Ali Ibrahim October 3, 2006 Abstract: The problem of integrating databases and programming languages has been open for nearly 45 years. During this time much progress has been made, in exploring specialized...
By Adrian Marriott August 3, 2006 Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to describe the Geospatial Object Server (GOS) that lies at the heart of the OS Master Map project deployed Ordnance Survey in...
By Adrian Marriott, Ben Rousseau June 15, 2006 Abstract: The main aim of this paper is to show how easily STL can be used with ObjectStore. We describe how to store STL containers, their iterators...
By Bob Bretl March 15, 2006 Abstract: Today object oriented databases (OODB) are being used in large scale applications in a variety of industries including telecommunications, banking, manufacturing, insurance, and shipping. These applications are characterized...
By Michael Blaha November 17, 2005 Abstract: Referential integrity is a database constraint that ensures that references between data are indeed valid and intact. Referential integrity is a fundamental principle of database theory and arises...
By Suad Alagic, Mark Royer October 28, 2005 Abstract: This paper is addressing three major and quite controversial issues critical for the next generation of virtual platforms for object-oriented languages. The first one is providing...
By Scott Ambler September 15, 2005 Abstract: Modern software development processes are evolutionary in nature, but more often than not agile. Agile techniques include refactoring, agile modeling, continual regression testing, configuration management of all development...
By William Cook, Carl Rosenberger August 23, 2005 Abstract: Most persistence architectures for Java and .NET provide interfaces to execute queries written in an architecture-specific query language. These interfaces are string based: queries are defined in...