Cloud Computing – Evolution in the Cloud

Cloud Computing – Evolution in the Cloud

Published by PricewaterhouseCoopers AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

By Markus Vehlow und Cordula Golkowsky

With Dr. Simone Rudolph, Immo Regener, Elisabeth Opfermann, Julius Kiep and Moritz Roos

Overall design, management and analysis of the telephone survey: denkstelle hamburg

Independent market research institute for the telephone survey: C.M.R. Institut für Communication- & Marketing-Research

June 2013, 52 pages.

“Plug-in IT” is becoming ever more established. Users recognise the potential of cloud services and are finding more uses for them than simply as support processes. Now cloud services are also used to bolster numerous value creation and innovation processes. However, providers still have to address issues like information security, privacy and compliance, as these are important factors for successful deployment of cloud services. These are the results of the latest PwC study on the German cloud computing market.

For the second time since 2010, PwC surveyed a total of 60 providers active in the German cloud computing market about their experiences, expectations and challenges. Cloud computing is on the rise in Germany and increasingly under consideration for strategic use.

The main findings:

  • Users are increasingly developing their cloud strategies and integrating them into their IT strategies more often.
  • The strategic and operative motives for going into the cloud are more important than the financial aspects.
  • The users are also supporting value-creation processes and innovation with cloud services.
  • Privacy, information security and compliance remain the greatest challenges as well as success factors.
  • Providers are increasingly offering server space in Germany.
  • Infrastructure as a service and platform as a service have caught up with hybrid solutions.
  • User demand for integration with digital trends like Big Data, social media and mobile devices is on the rise.

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