Mithun Radhakrishnan, Yahoo

My name is Mithun Radhakrishnan. I work on Apache Hive, in the Yahoo Hadoop team.
My team is responsible for the deployment, scaling and performance of Hive-related services (including HCatalog and HiveServer2) on the Y!Grid, the largest production Hadoop Clusters in existence today.

I’ve been working on Hadoop-related projects in Yahoo since 2009, including the Grid Data Management System (pre-cursor to Apache Falcon), HCatalog and Hive. I’m an Apache HCatalog committer and Hive contributor. Prior to working at Yahoo, I was a firmware developer at Hewlett-Packard, writing hardware self-diagnostic and healing firmware for HP’s big-iron boxen (Integrity Servers, running Intel Itaniums).

I’m currently working broadly on getting the Hive Metastore to perform at Yahoo-scale.

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