STAC Report: eXtremeDB & IBM at scale under STAC-M3
9 May 2016 – New York
STAC recently used both the baseline and scalability suites of STAC-M3 to test a stack involving McObject’s eXtremeDB Financial Edition 7.0 on an IBM Power System S824L server connected to a 12 x 5.7TB IBM FlashSystem 900 storage system. The solution ncluded two 12-core IBM POWER8 CPUs and a new revision of the eXtremeDB STAC Pack with enhanced parallelism.
STAC Reports for both test suites are available at
Highlights from the scale benchmarks (Kanaga suite):
- Fastest mean response times and most consistent response times (lowest standard deviation) ever reported, for all combinations of query type, data volume, and concurrent users.
- Each mean response time was 5.5x to 212x the previous best result, including:
- 21x to 212x the performance of the previous best published result for the market snap benchmarks (10T.YR[n]-MKTSNAP.TIME) *
- 21x the performance of the previous best published result for year high bid in the smallest year of the dataset (1T.OLDYRHIBID.TIME) *
- 8-10x the performance of the previous best published result for the 100-user volume-weighted average bid benchmarks (100T.YR[n]VWAB-12D-HO.TIME) **
- 5-8x the performance of the previous best published result for the N-year high-bid benchmarks (1T.[n]YRHIBID.TIME) *
And in the baseline benchmarks (Antuco suite):
- Faster mean response times and more consistent response times (lower standard deviation) than the previous best results for 4 of the 17 operations.
- Compared to all publicly reported 2-socket systems, this system set records in 4 of the 17 benchmarks. 12 of the remaining records are still held by previous eXtremeDB/Power8 systems (SUT IDs XTR141023, XTR151016).
- 1.93x the performance of the previously published best result for 10T.THEOPL.TIME (SUT ID: KDB130603).
- 1.30x the performance of the previously published best result for 1T.STATS-UI.TIME (SUT ID: KDB1505283).
The report is available here. At this link, qualified members of the STAC Benchmark Council can also access the configuration details for the stack that was tested.
Click here for more information about STAC-M3.
Originally posted here.