A comparison of VoltDB and Cassandra Benchmarks
Comparing Fast Data Performance
A comparison of VoltDB and Cassandra Benchmarks
NoSQL databases, such as Apache Cassandra, are often used in operational applications. However, a new breed of databases, such as VoltDB, are revolutionizing the fast data landscape. VoltDB is an in-memory NewSQL transactional database for fast data applications, currently in use by major telcos, financial services, and many other markets.
To display the competitiveness in performance between VoltDB and Cassandra, two separate benchmarks were compared. The first benchmark was published in 2015, and was sponsored by VoltDB. The second was also published in 2015 by End Point, and compared Cassandra against Couchbase, HBase, and MongoDB. This study was commissioned by DataStax, whose main product is powered by Cassandra.
Both of these benchmarks are from 2015. However, there are no reasons to suspect more current versions are less powerful. Both systems have become slightly faster over time, but not significantly so. As such, this comparison is still reasonable.
DOWNLOAD (.PDF): VoltDB_Benchmarks_v1
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