ThingSpan demo is available in the Amazon Web Services Marketplace
AWS: ThingSpan Discover (Link Hunter) Demonstration
Objectivity’s ThingSpan is an enterprise graph platform for analytics at speed and scale that:* Integrates with open source technologies such as Spark, Kafka, HDFS, and YARN;* Enables graph analytics and relationship analytics for pattern-finding;* ThingSpan REST API manages schema and supports high-speed ingest with parallel querying so that the graph is “alive” at all times;* ThingSpan’s DO query language allows data scientists to query data to discover how things are connected without writing or compiling code;This demonstration has a preloaded graph of over three million… Read more
Usage Instructions
Once you have launched the instance you can view status by clicking on the “View Instances” button.Once the Status changes from Initializing to Running, copy and paste the IPv4 Public IP entry:…
Support Details
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