[LeMo Project] Big Data Policies in Transportation

Authors: Jasper Tanis 1 , Tharsis Teoh 1 , Anna Pauliina Aavik 1 , Arnaud Burgess 1 , Jasmien César 2 , Remy Russotto 3

Panteia B.V. 1 , Bird & Bird 2 , Confederation of Organizations in Road Transport Enforcement 3

3 May 2018

“The transport policies and initiatives or strategies published by the studied countries in the field of transport share some common elements and indicate a direction where the countries are focusing their efforts in the field of transport. Those areas are: – Intelligent Transport Systems; – Open Data; – Automated driving; and  – Smart mobility. “

Recent developments in the quantity, complexity and availability of data collected from and about transport, combined with advances in information and communication technology, are presenting new opportunities to create more efficient, smarter, safer and more secure transport systems for people and freight, and to improve their performance for the operators which enables them to increase their service level. These new opportunities can be supported by public and private policies that facilitate and support access to, linking of and (re-) use of big data. These policies will improve transparency, leverage innovation and encourage economic growth.

In this deliverable the outcomes are reported of Task 1.3 ‘Big data policies’ of the Leveraging Big Data to Manage Transport Operations (LeMO) project. In this task existing public and private sector policies on big data are reviewed and the application of these policies is identified through good practices and examples from the LeMO case study selection.

It will examine policies:  at the European level;

  •  in selected Member States;
  • in selected third countries (e.g. the US, Japan, etc.);
  • and the policies of different corporate actors and institutions (for example, IT companies, transport companies, etc.).

This approach will allow for an identification of policies at different levels, and an analysis of how particular (set of) policies at specific levels have an impact on the policies at other levels. In addition, this approach also allows for a cross comparison between different actors at the same level. We will examine policies that:

  • facilitate and support access to, linking of and (re-) use of big data and;
  • may hinder access to, linking of and (re-) use of big data.   Most information that is collected is of secondary nature and has been collected through desk research. In some instances, information is validated with local stakeholders that have a good knowledge about existing policies.

“In the different transport sectors, policies and initiatives have been developed in the EU to support the access, (re-) use, linking and sharing of data. Preceding and in light of these developments, the private sector has also moved ahead to incorporate the use of big data techniques into their own business models as process or product innovations.

The development of a policy roadmap to foster the growth of big data in transport will require an understanding of how existing policies affect the economic, political, social and legal environment for government and private agencies in the transport sector.”

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The LeMO project (LEVERAGING BIG DATA FOR MANAGING TRANSPORT OPERATIONS) has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 770038.


This report is part of the LeMO project which has received funding by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 770038.

The content of this report reflects only the authors’ view. The European Commission and Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.



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