The eXtremeDB database system accelerates high performance desktop, workstation and server-based applications with an architecture for elastic scalability, replete with high availability and other critical features.
Sharding is partitioning a logical database into multiple physical databases, which might then be distributed across multiple nodes in a cluster. Learn more.
Distributed Query Processing
Distributes a query to each shard of a partitioned database, to leverage the power of multiple cores and CPUs in executing the query. Learn more.
CPU cache-optimized (pipelined) analytics
Pipelining causes the output of one function to become the input to the next function. Interim results within a pipeline are passed between functions within the CPU cache (not materialized). CPU cache is 3X – 4X faster than RAM. The pipelining technique giveseXtremeDB record-breaking speed. Learn more.
High Availability
Use High Availability to create a hot standby for every database shard. In the event of a failure of the primary server for that shard, eXtremeDB will failover to the standby to maintain availability of the system. Learn more.
Hybrid in-memory/persistent DBMS
The strengths of the on-disk and all-in-memory approaches to data management in a single database system.
Time series (columnar) storage
Optimized for handling time series data such as trades and quotes, sensor data, and all other types of streaming data.
Multi-Version Concurrency Control dramatically improves scalability and performance, while simplifying application logic by eliminating the need for code to manage pessimistic database locking . Learn more.
Rapid prototyping and development
Program in Python to rapidly develop a concept. Leverage the power and efficiency of LUA to implement server-side User Defined Functions. Learn more.
eXtremeDB for HPC Sweeps Records in Big Data Benchmark.Get more details.
McObject wins 2018 IoT Vendor of the Year. Learn more.
eXtremeDB named Outstanding Structured Database in the Big Data Excellence Awards. Read the press release.
What makes eXtremeDB a great tool for the professional developer?
The extensive list of key features.
Proven performance since 2001
- We are proud to be used by companies that lead their industries.
- Read our references
- Learn about our speed records in independently audited benchmarkstudies
eXtremeDB was made for the IoT
The volume and velocity of data collected by IoT systems has the potential to surpass previous systems by a wide margin. Developers require a database system with an architecture that can keep up in both dimensions:
Scale vertically, i.e. “scale up” with the volume of data
Scale horizontally, i.e. “scale out” to bring more processing power to bear and maintain system responsiveness
“We never stop researching and developing new and innovative ways to keep eXtremeDB – and thus our customers – ahead of the pack.”
— McObject CEO Steve Graves
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