Case Study: How WellAware Avoided Big Database Headaches by Migrating to Astra DB
Authors: Aaron Ploetz and Per Andreasen

The stress of an unmaintained Apache Cassandra® solution was getting to the team of software engineers at the data-as-a-service (DaaS) company WellAware. They had applications to build, code to write, and more customers coming in. Something had to be done.
The industrial IoT technology and services company WellAware makes data, visibility and control possible in harsh environments like oilfields and wastewater facilities. They provide full stack services to companies that typically operate in challenging industrial environments with high temperatures, high pressure or offshore.
WellAware’s clients get cloud web products and mobile applications where users can view dashboards, get reports and manage alarms with real-time data from the field. This lets them improve their production on sites that aren’t easily accessible.
The team is passionate about making their clients’ jobs easier, and the full stack service makes WellAware an easy choice for a lot of clients. In the company’s early years, WellAware ran on a self-managed open source graph database. And as more clients were coming in, this proved to be a problem.
You can read the full blog post here.
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